Seven Force 5 (Seven Diversified Fund) (Share I)

Seven Force 5 (Seven Diversified Fund) (Share I) : Performances

Morningstar Rating (03/31/2016) 3 étoiles

"Source Seven Capital Management"

Seven Force 5 (Seven Diversified Fund) (Share I) : Fund Information & Statistics

NAV Margin to Equity Fund AUM (M$/M€)
Year to date Maximum Draw Down Strategy AUM (M$/M€)
Month to date Current Draw Down
Annualized volatility Net sharpe Ratio
Annualized return Best day
Winning date Worst day
Win / Loss ration

Seven Force 5 (Seven Diversified Fund) (Share I) : General characteristics

Legal Format SICAV Luxembourgeois UCITS Management fees 1 %
ISIN Share I LU1229132441 Performance Fees 10% Maximum over capitalized EONIA
Bloomberg Ticker SVRAEIC LX Equity Minimum subcription €1000
Custodian CACEIS Bank Luxembourg Valuation Agent CACEIS Bank Luxembourg
Auditors Deloitte Audit Allocation of Result Capitalization
Subscription Fees 3% Maximum Currency Euro - US Dollar - Swiss Franc
Redemption Fees 0% Decimalisation Subscription price (NAV) with 3 decimals
Last closing price Last NAV of December Subscription/Redemption Orders to you financial intermediary before 12.00 am
Valorization Daily

Seven Force 5 (Seven Diversified Fund) (Share I) : Net Monthly Returns

January February March April May June July August September October November December YTD

L’investisseur peut perdre tout ou partie du montant de capital investi, les OPC n’étant pas garantis en capital. Les performances passées ne préjugent pas des performances futures.